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Do Ghazal Tea 500g

Do Ghazal is a tea company founded in Sri Lanka in 1976, with the aim of producing high quality teas. Do Ghazal is known for offering premium quality teas that do not contain any additives or flavorings. Do Ghazal sources its tea from the most prominent tea plantations in Sri Lanka and has become a global brand with customers all over the world. Do Ghazal offers a wide range of teas such as black tea, green tea, fruit teas, spice teas and herbal teas. Do Ghazal's teas are known for their rich and full flavor, and high quality of the tea leaf. Do Ghazal's spice teas contain authentic and well-balanced spices that provide a unique and tasty drink. Do Ghazal tea has also taken great initiatives to contribute to sustainability by using sustainable techniques to grow teas and to improve the workers in the tea industry. This responsibility for the planet makes Do Ghazal an attractive choice for sustainability-conscious customers. Do Ghazal tea also offers a variety of packaging and flavor combinations so that customers can find the perfect beverage for their taste. Do Ghazal tea is easy to buy and can be found in specialist tea shops or online. Do Ghazal is known for having a luxurious feel that embraces the rich culture and traditions of Sri Lanka. more read less

Save -5% 95 kr 100 kr Just nu 95 kr



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9.00 - 18.00
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Nutrition Facts

Imported by: Ethnic Foods Sweden AB Alekärrsgatan 8 415 02 Gothenburg, SWEDEN Tel: 004631-193478 Email: Packed Exclusively for Export by: Akbar Brothers (Pvt) Ltd. 334, T.B. JAYAH MAWATHA, COLOMBO 10, Sri Lanka


Viktig information: Alla våra produkter kan innehålla eller ha varit i kontakt med allergener, såsom spannmål som innehåller gluten, mjölk, ägg, nötter, jordnötter, soja, sesamfrön, fisk, skaldjur eller andra allergiframkallande ämnen. Trots att vi vidtar försiktighetsåtgärder kan vi inte garantera att våra produkter är helt fria från spår av dessa ämnen. Om du är osäker eller har svåra allergier, rekommenderar vi att du avstår från att köpa våra produkter. Vänligen läs ingredienslistan noggrant och kontakta oss om du har några frågor eller behöver mer information.

Country of Origin


Nutritional Content

Do Ghazal är ett rent te från bergen på Ceylon. Som med allt, Do Ghazal te är det den högsta kvalitetsstandarden genom tiderna. Ingredienser: Pure Ceylon Black Te

Do Ghazal is a tea company founded in Sri Lanka in 1976, with the aim of producing high quality teas. Do Ghazal is known for offering premium quality teas that do not contain any additives or flavorings. Do Ghazal sources its tea from the most prominent tea plantations in Sri Lanka and has become a global brand with customers all over the world.

Do Ghazal offers a wide range of teas such as black tea, green tea, fruit teas, spice teas and herbal teas. Do Ghazal's teas are known for their rich and full flavor, and high quality of the tea leaf. Do Ghazal's spice teas contain authentic and well-balanced spices that provide a unique and tasty drink.

Do Ghazal tea has also taken great initiatives to contribute to sustainability by using sustainable techniques to grow teas and to improve the workers in the tea industry. This responsibility for the planet makes Do Ghazal an attractive choice for sustainability-conscious customers.

Do Ghazal tea also offers a variety of packaging and flavor combinations so that customers can find the perfect beverage for their taste. Do Ghazal tea is easy to buy and can be found in specialist tea shops or online. Do Ghazal is known for having a luxurious feel that embraces the rich culture and traditions of Sri Lanka.

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